Suprarealist artist, member of the Foundation.
Nadir est de l'autre côté de la Terre
Sous son aile, protégée et aimée
Symbole d'une nouvelle renaissance, sans souffrance
Libido, passion amoureuse
La Chute de l'arbre dans la vague du changement et le renouveau
La voie vers la lumière
Les yeux sont le miroire de l'âme
La sensualité est belle lorsqu'elle est amoureuse
Elle voyage dans le monde invisible
Sourire de bonheur à travers les larmes
La sagesse vient avec l'âge
Symbole de la nouvelle spiritualité
Jugement sans pitié
L'espérance et le doute
L'envie torture l'âme
Le desir est le moteur de l'évolution
His professional career:
In 1961 he set up his first graphic art workshop in Ghent, he also worked as an international lecturer for the countries of Northern Europe, including France and Spain.
At the request of the French Chamber of Trades, he provided continuing education for ten years for professional photographers and graphic designers.
This is how in September 1984 he set up his workshop in Saint-Omer, rue Saint Sépulcre.
In 1993, he was appointed professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Cappelle-la-Grande, where his audience continued to grow with 200 students per year. Since then, he has devoted himself to his two passions, artistic creation and teaching, while continuing his exhibitions.
In 2004 he was named Meilleur Ouvrier de France
in the field of engraving on copper and steel for printing.
He took up his profession, (because being a painter is a profession) since his youth, not as an artist which he says he is not, but as a craftsman of the image.
The work:
In front of this gallery of beauty, we feel like a child discovering the world as it would be if God were not overwhelmed by the futility of man. But beauty exists.
Gery Treviens met her, he held her hand
and he keeps his fingers full of color. His images protrude from the canvas,
they are not photo-copies of banal reality,
these are truths that we redraw by blurring the shadows of everyday life.
A lover of beauty, he excels at highlighting feminine beauty.
Imbued with symbolism and surrealism,
the work reflects the sensitivity of the artist,
and gives off a colorful, soft and warm harmony,
a lightness and spontaneity, a refined art.
For Gery Treviens, the abstraction of the image must give way to precise figuration,
the abstract for him has no real reason to exist nor at the pictorial level,
nor at the technical level
whose general level began to fall
from the end of the 18th Century
to arrive at a real conservation problem
of certain paintings in the 19th Century.
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