Galerie Jacques Dauphin

Galerie Jacques Darphin

Suprarealist artist, member of the Foundation.


Born in 1949 in Saint-Dié des Vosges, I had my first exhibition at thirteen with the Groupe Artistique Vosgien.

Self-taught, my passion developed from a very young age.

Around 18 I felt an irresistible attraction

for the surrealists and I put my steps

in those of a giant: Salvador Dali.

During my professional life in the industry I never departed from my artistic passion.

  • Slide title

    Nadir est de l'autre côté de la Terre

  • Slide title

    Sous son aile, protégée et aimée

  • Slide title

    Symbole d'une nouvelle renaissance, sans souffrance 

  • Obsession

    Slide title


  • Slide title

    Libido, passion amoureuse

  • Slide title

    La Chute  de l'arbre dans la vague du changement et le renouveau

  • Faces symbolizing states of mind

    La voie vers la lumière

  • Faces symbolizing states of mind

    Les yeux sont le miroire de l'âme

    the Soul through the work
  • The sensuality

    La sensualité est belle lorsqu'elle est amoureuse


My approach

The need to create presents itself to me as a powerful frenzy.

Painting is the salt of my existence and through each creation,

I have the feeling of discovering a hidden side of my consciousness.

So I become the explorer of these unspeakable frontiers,

that with each creation I push a little further.

Discovering them is just mental gymnastics.

Transposing them onto the canvas is just technique.

Being able to convey them is just a form of language.

But all of this together makes a wonderful alchemy.

Looking does not force us to understand.

But to look over the work,

it is already rubbing shoulders with the artist's thoughts

in this very special moment that is creation.

Discover – Share – Transmit

All these could only be words, if they were not

charged with the deep meaning of our intentions

to make the world a better place,

to help us understand the fragile and sublime beauty of our earth.

So with these three words and all that they can contain of meaning and force,

let us try to leave to our future generations,

if not a “Paradise”, at least a livable universe.

Jacques Darphin

(33)6 73 21 19 35

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