Mad-Jarova - "Absolute Power" - oil on canvas
Suprarealism is a new artistic style,
scientific and philosophical.
It opens the way to a new consciousness, essential in
this moment of planetary crisis. This Endowment Fund has just
be born at the right time.
Suprarealism is a new school of thought, a new way of living.
What is its particularity, what will this new way of living be?
It starts with the basics: compassion.
Become aware of the existence of those around us
and those we've never met is the first step
towards this new awareness.
Being able to put yourself in their place,
to love them, it's possible.
Tomasz Alen Kopera - huile sur toile
As soon as we go out, they surround us, they are real.
Loving Humanity is difficult, because it is an abstraction.
Men are not used to
to communicate in an imaginary way.
They need constant sensory contact with each other.
It's the main thing in their social life,
their physical and mental health and for their vital balance.
For this obvious reason,
the crisis becomes dramatic.
However, it could have been avoided, many know that.
Mad-Jarova - "The Scream" - oil on canvas
Our civilized society is based on profits and speculation.
The consequence is the lack of spirituality and cultural poverty
in the absence of meaning and ideal.
Suprarealism of which Mad-Jarova is the Founder
has been germinating for over 50 years.
Now he acquires new supporters every day,
because It concerns our deep life.
In times of doubt, Suprarealism leads the way
towards the knowledge of the essential that is in us.
Istvan Sandorfi - oil on canvas
Following global upheavals and climate change,
causing the appearance of new bacteria, viruses and microbes,
the main objective of this Foundation is to provide the basic elements
for a new way of thinking and being.
The meaning of Supra (above, beyond) takes on the meaning
exploitation of authentic values,
in order to live fully, far from the artificial.
In this sense, far from intellectual perversion,
suprarealist art turns to its natural sources,
the sources of beauty, inscribed deep in our nature.
Gery Trefois
Jacques Darphin