Anima et Animus.
Après Minuit du 31 décembre 1999
Epouvantail qui chante
Infinitude (le temps est dilaté)
Fleur du desert
La Proie
La Destinée
Les Pas de deux
Sous son aile, elle est en sécurité.
La Danse du feu
Ce gouffre sera probablement creusé par l'homme, lui-même
L'amour est beau, lorsqu'ils s'aiment
La magie de la séduction
La passion de l'amour et de la mort.
The imaginary painting of MAD-JAROVA,
while being realistic in its forms, explores interior space,
that of our psyche:
this invisible world which coexists in inseparable duality
with our relational being to the external world.
Dreams, with their sensory, visual and emotional force,
are the revealer of this space nestled deep in our unconscious.
When we realize this, our perception of the world is changed.
The meaning of art becomes a reflection of the meaning of life.
This recent approach is part of the new artistic expression:
the visionary art of 3th millennium.
In his oil paintings on canvas, the light vibrates a strange world,
as real as unreal, outside of time and space.
Mad-Jarova has always devoted all her time
scientific and artistic research
which represent the basis of a new movement, suprarealism.
Suprarealism is a current of thought that already exists,
but it was only in 2008 that a first Manifesto appeared,
written by Hervé Leroux and Laurent Marcoux (Canada).
Visionary artist with a long career spanning 50 years,
and more than 100 exhibitions around the world,
Mad-Jarova is the founder of Suprarealism,
new current of thought, artistic, scientific and philosophical style.
In 2017, Mad-Jarova submitted a second Manifesto of Suprarealism to SCAM.
Suprarealism is now a new movement in contemporary art
and a new science which is a revolution at a time of planetary crisis.
It's for the first time
that the conscious and visionary suprarealism of contemporary art
and scientific suprarealism unite in a new school of thought.
“We are living at an exceptional moment in the history of humanity.
Suprarealism traces the path to authentic and legitimate art. »
MAD-JAROVA is an internationally renowned artist,
its exhibitions in France and
the foreigner is no longer counted,
as well as the numerous distinctions including:
Academician of the Accademia Internazionale Creci Marino and Accademia del Verbo. Critics' Prize 1971. Girga Prize 1974. First European Grand Prize 1975. “Diploma di Benemerenza”. Rome International Forum. Gold Medal of French Merit and Dedication. Lutèce Academy Cup. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Cultural Academy of France. Rosette of honor for Public Encouragement. Member of the European Academy of Arts. Gold Palette of Fine Arts of the International Federation. French Humanitarian Grand Prix. Renaissance Prize 2004 etc.